[New release] wallabag 2.2. Finally.

28 January 2017

With almost 4 months delay, our new version, wallabag 2.2, is here. We originally planned to release it on October 3rd, 2016. Don’t worry, we didn’t go on holiday. We kept working hard. It’s now time to present you this new great version.

What’s new?

Account managemenent

In wallabag 2.1, we gave you the possibility to manage your users.

In wallabag 2.2, we now give you the possibility to reset and delete your own account.

On the configuration screen of your account, in the user information tab, you now have a danger zone. Take care, these actions are IRREVERSIBLE.

You can:

Features developed by tcitworld and j0k3r in #2177 and #2401


Two useful enhancements for developers: annotations and entries export are now available in the API.

Export entries

The endpoint is /api/entries/123/export.epub to export the entry 123 in epub (available formats: epub, mobi, pdf, txt, csv).

This feature is already used by Plop! reader, a wallabag application for Pocketbook Touch Lux ereaders, by pmartin.

Feature developed by pmartin in #2372


The endpoint is api/annotations/123.json to get annotations for the entry 123.

Feature developed by tcitworld in #1890

UI changes


You can now share your entries to unmark.it, a bookmarks manager.

Feature developed by nicosomb in #2566

Sharing to Shaarli (an other bookmarks manager) is available since wallabag 2.0. But lapineige, one of our happy users, wanted to share tags into Shaarli. So he developed this feature.

Feature developed by lapineige in #2725


In wallabag 2.1, we added many import systems: Readability, Instapaper, Firefox and Chrome.

With wallabag 2.2, you can also import your data from Pinboard.

Feature developed by j0k3r in #2548


One more thing… the authentication for restricted access articles (behind a paywall)

Thanks to this feature, you can now save articles from websites who authentication is required.

This great feature is only available for advanced users, and for now the credentials are shared with all the users of an instance. We’ll add an easy to use interface in next release.

You need to edit your app/config/parameters.yml file to edit credentials for each website with paywall. Here is an example for some french websites:

    mediapart.fr: {username: "johndoe", password: "johnwho?"}

Warning : These credentials will be used for each user of your wallabag instance.

Then, the site configuration file for the website (for example, mediapart.fr.txt) must be improved:

body: //div[@class="content-article"]/div[@class="page-pane"]

requires_login: yes

login_uri: https://www.mediapart.fr/login_check
login_username_field: name
login_password_field: password

not_logged_in_xpath: //body[@class="not-logged-in"]

Please open a new issue on GitHub if you need some help about this part.

Feature developed by bdunogier in #2317

## Some figures

wallabag 2.2 in figures:

## Full changelog

Applications and browsers addons

Download wallabag 2.2

To download, install/upgrade wallabag, please read our Downloads page.

Don’t want to host wallabag by yourself?

On December 2016, wallabag.it was launched. wallabag.it is a paid service to use wallabag without installing it on a web server.

This service already ships wallabag 2.2. You can create your account here. Try it for free: you'll get a 14-day free trial with no limitation (no credit card information required). It’s only €9 (offer valid until March 1, 2017, it will be €12 after this date).

Need help?

We are on Gitter and on IRC, ping us! You can also open a new issue on GitHub.

How can you help us?

By using wallabag, by reporting bugs, by translating wallabag and its documentation, by talking about wallabag to your friends, ...

Pocket bought by Mozilla [New release] wallabag 2.1.6 – Security fix

Want to give it a try?


Last release: wallabag 2.6.10
(md5 checksum: 9c15a819e28cbca1b1ac0170e228f1e8)
You can download our previous releases here.