It's time to update! We just released wallabag 2.0.8.
We'll hope this release will be the last before wallabag 2.1, which will be a great version. Stay tuned!
Here is the changelog:
- #2262 Added a check for the database connection during installation (Jeremy Benoist)
- #2235 Added configuration for german documentation, available here (Nicolas Lœuillet)
- graby Update Graby version, which now handles ZIP files (Jeremy Benoist)
- #2230 Changed title display in card view and cuts long titles properly with the new library jquery.tinydot (Danilow Alexandr)
- #2234 Fixed mailto link in documentation (Christian Studer)
- #2241 Fixed the height of the "Add new article" field in Chrome (Danilow Alexandr)
- #2238 Fixed login page in Qupzilla (Danilow Alexandr)
Download wallabag 2.0.8
To download, install/upgrade wallabag, please read our Downloads page.
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By using wallabag, by reporting bugs, by translating wallabag and its documentation, by talking about wallabag to your friends, ...