Framabag is born

Since August 2013, you can create a free account, we install an update the application for you. You "only" have to use it.

Few days ago, Framasoft contacted me: why not integrate our system into Framasoft network?

Framasoft is an association that promotes open source.

I am so proud to announce Framabag (Framasoft + wallabag):

If you have already an account on poche hosting, you will be redirected to our new platform (your new URL is now

If you want to create a free (as in freedom and as in free beer :) ), click here.

wallabag 1.4 is available Let's go!

Want to give it a try?


Last release: wallabag 2.6.9
(md5 checksum: 3e7f5db1f64c63f2b06638fba171a2e4)
You can download our previous releases here.