[New release] wallabag 2.4.1

5 January 2021

Happy new year everyone 🎉

For that first release of that (hopefully) better year than 2020, we have fixed some bugs.

We've also added a new command to clean downloaded images (for those who have enabled download images locally). You can try it to see how much spaces it'll free:

php bin/console wallabag:clean-downloaded-images --env=prod --dry-run

To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on wallabag.it. Thanks!



Download wallabag 2.4.1

To download, install/upgrade wallabag, please read our Downloads page.

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How can you help us?

By using wallabag, by reporting bugs, by translating wallabag and its documentation, by talking about wallabag to your friends, ... You can help us via Liberapay or PayPal.

wallabag for iOS v6 is there [New release] wallabag (long awaited) 2.4 is here

Want to give it a try?


Last release: wallabag 2.6.10
(md5 checksum: 9c15a819e28cbca1b1ac0170e228f1e8)
You can download our previous releases here.